About us?
El Colegio Alexander Bain, es una institución de carácter internacional, bilingüe, mixta y laica. Fundado en 1995 en la zona de San Ángel, nuestro colegio es respaldado por 56 años de experiencia dentro del grupo Alexander Bain.
Formar personas integras en sentimientos y pensamiento, con liderazgo responsable, comprometidas con la realidad nacional y los valores universales.
Formar seres humanos autónomos, responsables y sensibles, capaces de impactar positivamente en el mundo que los rodea.
We educate for respect, integrity, loyalty and tolerance.
We are an inclusive school where curricular adjustments are made, so we ensure the future of students through comprehensive education and personal treatment, in a world where the only constant is change.
The International Baccalaureate comprises the following three programs:
Primary Years Program (PYP)
Middle Years Program (MYP)
Diploma Program
The School implements the Primary School Program as it is the one that corresponds from preschool to the sixth year of primary school in the national system.
Elements contained in the International Baccalaureate Programs at all levels: Concepts, Knowledge, Skills, Attitudes, Action.